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Skin Fasting: Revealing the Secret to Clear Skin

November 17, 2022

For fitness enthusiasts, the term ‘fasting’ is nothing new. It’s all about controlling when to eat and fast to help your body burn fat and lose weight. But add ‘skin’ at the beginning, and it takes a whole different turn. 

But before all that, let’s circle back a few years and discuss another skincare craze: multi-step skincare routines. Some did 10, 14, or 20 – either way, the point is to apply various products for every skin issue. And while that may have worked for a while, it’s not as effective in the long run. It tends to overwhelm your skin, which, as we all know, can only absorb as much. 

Enter skin fasting, which promotes minimising your skincare routine to detoxify and allow recuperation. It’s not the same as burning fat, but experts say it significantly improves your complexion. 

How is that possible? Find out below. 

What is skin fasting?

Skin fasting involves laying down your skincare products for a few days or weeks to reset your skin. By doing so, you allow your skin to function as it naturally would without the active ingredients that ‘boost’ it. The logic behind this may sound ironic, but it’s actually true. Skincare actives can degenerate your protective barrier, especially if you tend to overuse them. So, when you give your skin time to breathe and heal, its protective barrier also resets.

The term skin fasting came from the Japanese brand Mirai Clinical. They describe skin fasting as a way to normalise natural oil secretion and support the natural rejuvenation process. The idea stems from the traditional fasting concept, which also has holistic benefits.

How do you skin fast?

You do not have to completely remove everything in your skincare routine to do a skin fast. It can be as simple as phasing out one product at a time to see what works best for your skin type. Plus, skin fasting is unique to every individual – you can go slowly or do it all at once. 

If you wish to fast all at once, you remove all of your skincare products. No cleansing, toning, exfoliating, or moisturising – point blank, “let it be”. You just let your natural oils do the work of balancing and protecting your skin. The most important thing to learn here is to listen to your skin. Observe how it changes or adapts to your fast, as it may last for a few days or weeks. 

The less drastic option is to remove any other extras and focus only on cleansing, moisturising, and SPF. We can never run free from UV rays, and if there’s one thing you should never go without, it’s SPF. Besides, clearing out your skincare routine may potentially wreak havoc on your skin. If you don’t use a deep cleanser, you may end up with clogged pores and acne breakouts. This is a PSA for all our folks with oily and acne-prone skin!  

Who should do a skin fast?

If your skin is on the sensitive side, skin fasting is worth the try. It allows the skin to rest from active ingredients, like retinol and vitamin C, that may cause inflammation or irritation. But generally, anyone who needs a derma reboot can do skin fasting. This is especially helpful if you notice your skin breaking out or looking drier than usual. Gradually fasting by removing one product at a time until the skin irritant is identified may help you address your skin issues.