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S&C At Chalk Training Ground With Pauly D

February 22, 2023

Pauly D Fitness and Chalk Training Ground are delighted to announce a new strength and conditioning class that will benefit you in all walks of life. We will be tailoring the class towards sports strength and conditioning, but the class isn’t limited to those playing competitively.

All sports differ in the relative importance of agility, speed, aerobic endurance, anaerobic power and capacity, strength, flexibility, balance, and coordination required to excel. Therefore, successful strength and conditioning programs consider these factors when designing programs. 

A good strength and conditioning program involves nailing the basics and getting those movements right. Once you have the basics down to a T, you can bring in some added exercises to benefit you going forward. 

When putting together a program at Chalk, we will look at the factors below to ensure we have the right program for any group we train.

  • The number of athletes training at once
  • The training age & experience of your athletes
  • How long each training session will be
  • The number of weekly training sessions in and outside the gym setting 
  • Any injuries individual athletes may have had previously or have at the moment 
  • Practice and competitions upcoming 

Once we have an outline of the groups’ information above, we will design a program tailored to their needs. 

Strength and conditioning is about preparing the body to get to that next level. It’s not going to create miracles while training, but it is another way of reaching your potential by doing the type of training that will propel you forward in your given sport or life in general.

If you have any questions about the class, don’t hesitate to contact us on Instagram:

Chalk Training Ground

Pauly D Fitness

I look forward to seeing you at Chalk!
