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Fitness Challenge Halfway Update

February 19, 2023

Our halfway point in our 10-week challenge arrived last week, and I am super proud of our challengers and the work they have put in over the last five weeks. It hasn’t been smooth sailing the whole way through, with a football tournament thrown in the middle to try to knock us off our stride, but we got right back to it once the hangovers subsided!


Starting with Roisin. She has been progressing in every session she does. Her numbers are going up weekly in each of her lifts. Her body fat and weight are down, and she looks fantastic in her halfway pictures. As stated at the start of the challenge, it will be hard for anyone who is post-natal and getting back into exercise. But she really hit the ground running. She didn’t complain, she didn’t make excuses, and she showed up every single session three times a week and put in the work. She asked me about everything health and fitness-wise as she wanted to get the best out of herself for the ten weeks. I am blown away by her commitment and dedication. Anyone reading this or in a similar situation needs to look no further for inspiration than Roisin. We are only halfway through the challenge, but she is ahead of schedule, and I am really excited to see what condition she brings at the end!


Up next is John. he has progressed massively throughout the five weeks. His weight has stayed close to the same as at the start, but you can see the difference in his frame. We didn’t put him in a deficit for his nutrition or anything because he didn’t have a lot of body fat to lose. We might tighten things up for the next five weeks to see some of those abs shine through. He has added some lean muscle tissue that complements his 6 foot 3 Greek god-like figure! As we advance in the challenge, the main thing for him is to continuously push him as much as we can through progressively overloading each PT session he does.


Last but not least is Niall. Niall has been so busy between football, PT sessions, teaching and his recovery business Recoveroo that I am surprised the man sleeps at all! He has been training no less than six days a week for the last five weeks—some weeks, seven days. This is a lot of training, and we have tried to monitor his workload throughout this time, especially with the PT sessions, so that he won’t hit a wall and feel overwhelmed with fatigue. You can see by his condition that he has had a great five weeks, and if we can keep him going at this rate for the next five, he will be in fantastic shape at the end of the challenge.