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Getting Back In The Gym

December 17, 2022

The gym can be intimidating for most people, from your most experienced gym goer to a beginner. I myself sometimes get pre-gym nerves, and I have been training in gyms for 15 years. Why does this happen?

Mainly, it is one of the main reasons most people go to the gym in the first place, to look better.

We build up our expectations of ourselves far too much to please other people. Instead, we should be thinking more along the lines of that going to the gym makes me healthier, happier, stronger, and fitter, and once you switch to that mindset, you get the added benefits of looking better in the process.

Yes, I agree that vanity plays a huge part mentally in pushing you to go to the gym in the first place. Everyone wants to look better physically.

In Dubai, or any country with great weather all year round, there is that added pressure to look good when you go to the beach or the pool. In Ireland, we can get away with a few extra pounds or kilograms on our frame because we are wrapped up most of the year. I used this analogy when living in Australia. In Ireland, we can get away with our weight being a little bit on the fluffy side for a longer period because our clothes are on for 12 months, whereas in Australia, your clothes are off for most of the year!

The same applies in Dubai. With the warmer climate, more beach days and pool days arise, meaning fewer clothes are worn. That vanity side gives you a kick up the arse to say I need to get myself in better shape, but it should not be your main driving force to go to the gym.

To help with those gym nerves or anxious feelings we all experience. Ask for help next time you go to the gym. It will make you feel more comfortable when you know what you are doing.

Even the more experienced weightlifters ask for help with a spot when lifting heavy weights or just some motivation. Remember, everyone is there for their reasons; everyone is there to better themselves and will most likely not even notice you.

  • Ask for help. That might be a spot for some heavyweights. You might be unsure about how to do an exercise, how a particular machine works, or anything. Just ask. Most people are genuine and would be happy to help.

  • Focus on your why. Your why is the reason you are taking a step to enter the gym in the first place. It could be to get fitter, lose some weight, rehabbing an injury. Whatever it is, focus on your why.

  • Get a gym buddy. This one helps a lot. If you are both new to the gym, use this experience to help each other. Talk about it and overcome any nerves or feelings that may arise.

  • YouTube or Google some of the equipment before you go. This can help with that anxiety that creeps in when you walk up to a piece of equipment and have no idea what it is or what it does!

  • Be prepared to not be brilliant at everything you try in the gym. We are all built differently, and we all have different lifestyles. The main thing is you are there, and you are trying. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and you won’t be either. So give yourself time to get better.

Hope this helps. Have a great weekend!

