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Horoscopes For The Week of 11-17th December

December 12, 2022

Horoscopes for the week of December 11th through the 17th. Read for your Rising Sign and Sun Sign. Take what inspires you and leave the rest.

♐︎ Sagittarius

The start of the week is the perfect time for getting grounded, Sag. Taking time to tend to the small tasks will bring a sense of clarity about yourself. Midweek there may be a sense of overwhelm at home, but if you practice healthy boundaries with your energy, there is an opportunity to heal. Differing opinions around your core values may be triggering for you and those around you. Communication can lead to new perspectives and perhaps innovation if you can cultivate empathy. Towards the end of the week, you can learn a lot about yourself by getting creative with your routine.

♑︎ Capricorn

Ground into yourself at the start of the week. Cap, your material and spiritual world are aligned, and you can tap into your inner strength. Use this time to tie up any loose ends you have been meaning to address. Midweek you may feel at odds or overwhelm with information. Take time to rest and get into nature to give yourself a break. Conversations with your loved ones may get heated, but opening up will help you let go of a past hurt and make space for more joy. The end of the week is a good time for getting creative; let your intuition guide you to redo a task or hobby in a new and interesting way.

♒︎ Aquarius

The start of the week has you feeling sure of yourself and where you fit into your community and wider network, Aquarius. A supportive aspect from your ruler Saturn and the Sun is a good time to catch up with admin tasks that are important to establishing your future goals. Don’t overschedule yourself this week – the people close to you will understand you need rest too. Midweek is the best time to recharge in nature, like going for a swim or a seaside walk. You may feel tension in your communications regarding different beliefs or attitudes. Practise empathy with yourself and others, and there is an opportunity for healing. The end of the week is the perfect time to tap into your intuitive creativity.

♓︎ Pisces

The start of the week has you feeling supported and secure in your mindset and personal goals, Pisces. Use this time to tend to any work-related or admin tasks you may have fallen behind on. Midweek, you may be overloaded with information or news. Prioritise and set some boundaries to prevent becoming exhausted. Conversations with friends, groups or networks may be triggering, particularly when trying to align your values. Lean into your feelings and your beliefs at this time when choosing to join forces with anyone. The end of the week is a great time for innovation and collaboration with your dream team.

♈︎ Aries

The start of the week is supportive in establishing your work in relation to your personal evolution and your community, Aries. Use this energy to catch up on the tricky tasks you’ve been putting off, like upskilling or meetings with advisors. Midweek, you may have doubts or feel overwhelmed, but tending to the small tasks will reap big rewards. Conversations around the work that you’re doing and your public image may be triggering, but there are valuable lessons to learn here. Talking with a healer or trusted mentor can benefit your personal growth this week. Towards the end of the week, expect some surprising insights if you decide to get creative with your work and how you generate abundance. Let your intuition guide you.

♉︎ Taurus

This week shines a light on what lies beneath the surface, Taurus. Less favourable tasks will be easier to tackle at the start of the week, like legal or financial admin or decluttering your workspace. Your logic and intuition are strong this week, and people in your circle may be demanding of your time and energy. Try to set strong boundaries around what you can and can’t achieve, and take time to recharge outdoors if you can. Conversations around education and other cultures may be triggering but can ultimately lead to a broader, more abundant outlook. You might be surprised by what you learn about yourself if you do your research – have fun with it!

♊︎ Gemini

The start of the week has grounding energy for you, Gemini. You can lean into this by catching up on any tasks you’ve been putting off, like making travel plans, researching an important topic or finally responding to that email. Midweek you may receive an influx of information regarding a project you’ve been working on. If you’re starting to feel overwhelmed, take a break and set some boundaries around what you can and can’t take on this week. Pay attention to what comes up for you during conversations with your network. You might not like what you hear initially but wait until you have all the information before you take action. Surprising insights will arrive by the end of the week.

♋︎ Cancer

The week starts off with a supportive transit from the Sun and Saturn, allowing you to redefine your relationship with yourself, Cancer. Use this time to do the mundane activities that get you grounded and shedding old identities, such as a daily exercise routine or journaling session. Midweek, you may be disillusioned with your learning progress or the success of your recent projects. Be gentle with yourself and take a walk by a body of water to feel cleansed and renewed. You may feel triggered by one on one conversations at work or with your partners, but practising empathy will ease the sting. The end of the week is favoured for all types of creative collaboration – have fun with it and see what you come up with together.

♌︎ Leo

Your ruler, the Sun sexties Saturn at the beginning of allowing you to bask in the supportive energy of your close relationships. Let the people close to you uplift you and aid your most ambitious plans. Midweek, you may be hit with an information overload. Seek a balance between work and rest to prevent becoming overwhelmed. Chats with colleagues may be triggering, especially concerning differing views on ethics and knowledge transfer. The end of the week favours breakthroughs and perhaps the completion of a successful project. New, exciting opportunities are on their way to you- don’t be afraid to get out of your comfort zone, Leo!

♍︎ Virgo

The week starts off with some stabilising energy at home and in your day-to-day life, Virgo. Use this time to get organised and catch up on tasks that will maintain harmony. Midweek, you may feel some tension with family or partners. A bit of friendly debate might allow for the progress needed to solve a common problem. Your ruler, Mercury squaring Chiron, could bring up some emotions from the past that are triggering. Embracing them without judgement will allow for healing to occur. Towards the end of the week, you will be feeling inspired. Listen to your intuition – if you feel called to write out your ideas or collaborate with others, lean into it.

♎︎ Libra

Your mind and creative expression are aligned at the start of the week, Libra. Use this time to catch up on any tasks that require a bit of thinking or reimagining. Midweek, you may encounter some exhaustion from too much mental stimulation. Make time for rest or to ground back into your body. Communication at home could be tense and trigger some hurt you have around your close relationships. There is an opportunity to heal by being vulnerable with a trusted friend and practising compassion with yourself and others. The end of the week favours a new investigation into the deepest parts of yourself, your home life and how they are connected. The insights you gain will help you create your most abundant life.

♏︎ Scorpio

There is a stabilising energy at the start of the week, favouring your resources, values and home life Scorpio. Tend to any detail-oriented tasks and plan your next steps in the long-term plan to gain lasting benefits. Midweek, you may feel a bit disillusioned around your creative projects. Take a break from thinking and get into your body through exercise or a calming bath. You may encounter someone who challenges your way of reasoning or how you get things done. Pay attention to what comes up and check your motivations before powering through. By the end of the week, you will feel inspired to collaborate and swap ideas with a friend or partner and come up with ways you can use your time efficiently to manifest your true desires.